Published on March 17, 2006 By David Lyncheski In OS Customization
What Are the best vista themes? for windowblinds.
on Mar 17, 2006
well if you're talking about windowblinds, microsoft has forced the authors and the site to take down the good ones. *cough* kol *cough*
on Mar 17, 2006
i know but if you search google there is a site that has VistaXP.
on Mar 18, 2006
LOL that IS kol's skin. i can tell for many reasons (same name, beta 1 and beta 2 subskins, black, silver, and glass colors, and alternate start bars). plus if you go to the link for the authors site, many of the wallpapers posted there are works by kol (all the strange world walls). can you tell i'm a fan of his?
on Mar 18, 2006
I like Jemaho's better.
on Mar 18, 2006
what skin is that?
on Mar 18, 2006
jemaho's skin is pretty nice, but i use large icons and the start menu is horribly misaligned with vista 1.5 (his latest, i believe). plus i like the black and silver themes that kol included as a nice alternative to transparency.
on Mar 18, 2006
I'm surprised those links haven't been removed.
on Mar 18, 2006
yeah no kidding... i was surprised to see that they exist in the first place!
on Mar 18, 2006
The one to Kol's skin has been.  If Microsoft wishes it to be removed then it is and will be removed from here, including links.  If and when the situation appears discriminatory towards then that may change...
on Mar 19, 2006
Use the 48px substyle
on Mar 19, 2006
i too have say that Jemaho's Vislumbre 5308 is freekin awesome?
i can not understand though why those skins never show up here.....they do it only seems to be in screenshots?

weird i think....most communities span into other ones and so really to surprized to not see those skins here as well...

"i use large icons and the start menu is horribly misaligned"
mine was too til i asked and got the fix!!
right click desktop/properties/appearance/advanced/ choose icons from the drop down menu...change the size to about 37 which is what i use! PRESTO!
seems about right to me! (hope that werks fer you)

i like the white vista skin which can be found at DeviantArt as well (it has no gloss feature though) Advali V3 is quite nice as well as Aero Style, Longhorn Percept and some of the older skins that looked like early builds of Longhorn are nice too...check out Jade and Longhorn Slate 4051.

thats my 2 pennies

on Feb 26, 2007
i really wanna get a theme that makes xp look like vista. i used vista transform pack six but that !@#$ed up my laptop.