i am doing that
Published on April 5, 2006 By David Lyncheski In Websites
I am making icons for people for FREE!
Right now I am still working on the site, but it should be up soon.
If you want icons email me at Email

In the subject put:
[Help] for help
[Icons] for free icon creation
[Q] For a question

In the email right what icons you want, what help you need, or your question

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 05, 2006
I see you've spent some time making changes to your site visually, but unfortunately, most of the links still do not work. I would suggest getting the site to work better before you spend time changing the graphics. If you continue to present a site that doesn't work, is visually unappealing, and starts on a page that has no graphics at all, what makes you think customers are going to want any of your icons, even if for free? Just my two cents, David.
on Apr 05, 2006

don't go to my site useing that link go here: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Edit [Admin] 

on Apr 05, 2006
that link is a local link. it only works on my local domain.
on Apr 05, 2006
that link is a local link. it only works on my local domain.
on Apr 05, 2006
sorry for the duplication. i fixed the link.
on Apr 05, 2006
May I suggest not using the bright green.
on Apr 05, 2006
hey i did not put this forum post for site suggestions.
on Apr 05, 2006
Are those Vista Icons that YOU made, or did you just put them on your site for others to download?
on Apr 05, 2006
well microsoft made them me and Kudesnick ported them.
on Apr 05, 2006
Ported them from what to what? They're icons right? What's to port?

The green is a little hard on the eyes.
on Apr 05, 2006
i took them out of windows vista's system files. their the real deal.
on Apr 05, 2006
So you define porting as extracing images from a dll? Sheesh.
I'm not sure I'd take pride in that.

{Is that legal?}

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Apr 05, 2006
I believe the Moderators will take care of this issue...
on Apr 05, 2006
So you define porting as extracing images from a dll?

hey i did not put this forum post for site suggestions.

Suggestions is what you are going to get. Here or from people that traffic your site. Did you think a website filled with artists, graphic designers, and website designers of any level would 'not' coment or make suggestions?

I've been watching you progress with this site you're building. I have been working on one and have no expertise at all in the area. But I think I know enough not to post links for it til it's exactly what I want and as good as I can get it. Just in the short time since you first posted, you have shown that you can do better with that site, and I personally think you can still do better. That's a vote of confidence, not sarcasm.

I would start by not posting 'ported', 'extracted' or 'un-original' works. Especially without permissions.
on Apr 05, 2006

I would start by not posting 'ported', 'extracted' or 'un-original' works. Especially without permissions.

So would I.

Again, irrespective of your intent with this thread, if you wish anyone to actually take you up on your offer of icon making then you had better show far more expertise with graphics [site] and content [NOT 'stolen' icons].

Site link has been removed to limit dissemination of such unauthorised content....

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